Tennis Canada Parking Information (in and out privileges are allowed).

OFSAA Tennis Visitor Parking Options:

Shoreham Drive Lot:  Honk Zone ID #7717 (Flat daily rate $10)

Arboretum Lane Parking Garage: Honk Zone ID #7726 ($2.50 per half hr – daily max $20) **payment through HONK Mobile App only**

How to use Honk Mobile App: watch video instructions click here

Download the HONK Mobile APP & create your free Honk account

ANDROID (GooglePlay):

iPhone (AppStore):

  1. Add your license plate information and payment method
  2. Find your zone in the APP or use the TAP signage located in the lot.   Here is a short video on how to use the TAP signs
  3. Select the time you want to park for, confirm your information and hit pay