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OFSAA TRY DAY funding is available for 2024-25!

Learn more about OFSAA Try Day and to apply by visiting the sub-menus on this page.

OFSAA Contact:  Diana Ranken ([email protected])

Try Day Collage

“School Activity Resumes – OFSAA Try Day Grants Approved”  – Apply today!

The Ministry of Education has again approved the OFSAA Try Day grant for up to $700 for public secondary schools to introduce a new or non-traditional sport or physical activity to your school program in the 2024-25 school year. Select an activity that reaches out to as many students as possible and encourages those who do not participate regularly in school physical activities to join in. Give other students the opportunity to exercise their leadership ability. A definite win-win situation for all!


  • 150 Publicly-funded secondary schools 
  • Fully committed to completing the OFSAA Try Day program and meeting the deadlines 
  • Involves the minimum required number of student participants and leaders 

CRITERIA for approval of funding and reimbursement??

  • Must introduce a new sport to your program 
  • Selected activity must comply with your school and local school Board safety protocols, policy and direction.
  • Must involve a minimum of six (6) student leaders in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the OFSAA Try Day event 
  • Must include a minimum of sixty (60) participants – thirty (30) in schools with a student population under 500 
  • Must complete the OFSAA Try Day program by May 15, 2025 and submit reporting materials by May 30, 2025
  • Funding used for new equipment, instructional resources, transportation to/rental of outside facilities, guest instructors. Tee shirts and food not eligible items for funding.

Application forms and criteria can be found on the OFSAA website (ofsaa.on.ca) under Programs/Try Day/Registration and are to be submitted ONLINE only. For your application to be considered, the school principal’s approval is required.


  • Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis provided that all criteria are met
  • Acceptance for funding is sent by e-mail to the Program Coordinator and Principal within 2 weeks of receipt of registration form
  • Reporting package is e-mailed within 2 weeks of your acceptance. All reporting materials should be submitted as soon as possible upon completion of your OFSAA Try Day
  • Deadlines: OFSAA Try Day programs are to be completed by May 15, 2025, and all reporting materials submitted by May 30, 2025
  • Reimbursement is sent to the school once all reporting materials are received: online reporting form and student evaluation surveys, receipts, photos, media/school articles
  • Limited funding available


  • Enhance and rejuvenate your physical education programs
  • Introduce sustainable activities that benefit present and future students
  • Provide an opportunity for student leadership
  • Encourage regular daily activity as well as lifelong participation

Fill out and Submit the OFSAA Try Day Application Form

**If you do not receive a reply within 2 weeks of submitting your application, please contact:

Diana Ranken, ‘OFSAA Try Day’ Program Coordinator ([email protected])