The OFSAA HUB provides two main services for those aiming to register for the OFSAA Nordic Skiing Championship:

  1. Creation of Team Rosters
  2. Registration for OFSAA Events, including uploading the necessary forms
    • Note: OFSAA Nordic also requires a separate race entry registration on

These services require your Athletic Director’s OFSAA HUB account. If your Athletic Director is having problems accessing this account, please contact OFSAA directly.

A. Team Rosters

  1. Getting started
    1. Navigate to the OFSAA HUB in your web browser —
    2. Use the SIGN IN button to access your school’s OFSAA HUB dashboard
  2. Creating a new Team
    1. In the section of the dashboard labelled “2023-24 Teams” use the ADD button
    2. Enter the basic team details
      1. School Classification: select any option, as this doesn’t apply to our sport
      2. Sport: “Nordic Skiing”
      3. Age Category: “Junior” or “Senior / Varsity”
        • If you have both, you can make things easier by just creating one Senior team and adding all athletes as this will not effect race entry, but will cut in half your scanning and uploading
      4. League: leave as — or blank
      5. Gender: “Coed”
        • Similar to the age category, creating one coed team versus male and female teams will not effect race entry, but will cut down on your scanning and uploading
      6. Uniform Colours: -leave blank-
    3. Use the ADD TEAM button to submit your team
    4. Proceed to the team editing instructions below for details on adding people to the team
  3. Editing an existing Team
    1. In the section of the dashboard labelled “2023-24 Teams” use the VIEW/EDIT button
    2. From the list of teams displayed, click on the one you are looking to view or edit, likely called “Nordic Skiing Senior / Varsity Coed” or “Nordic Skiing Junior Coed”
    3. Use the EDIT ROSTER button to be able to assign athletes and coaches to this team, or remove them
      1. All eligible athletes should already have been entered by your AD to the school, so typing an athlete name in the box next to the ADD ATHLETE button should bring up each athlete name
      2. Once the athlete name is selected, use the ADD ATHLETE button to assign them to this team, then repeat
      3. Similarly, start typing a coach name in the box next to the ADD COACH button to bring up coaches already registered by your AD
      4. Once the coach name is selected, use the ADD COACH button to assign them to this team, then repeat
      5. If you need to remove an athlete, select their name next to the REMOVE ATHLETE button
      6. Once the athlete name is selected, use the REMOVE ATHLETE button to remove them from this team
      7. Use the BACK TO ROSTER button to finish making changes
    4. Once all names and details are correct, print the team roster with the PRINT ROSTER button
    5. Have the printed team roster signed by your Head Coach, Athletic Director (or Phys. Ed. Head), and School Principal
    6. Use the BACK TO LIST OF TEAMS button or the HOME button at the top of the page to navigate elsewhere in the HUB

B. Event Registration

*To be completed by the Athletic Director or Designate (Coaches do not have access to register for OFSAA events) 

  1. Getting started
    1. Navigate to the OFSAA HUB in your web browser —
    2. Use the SIGN IN button to access your school’s OFSAA HUB dashboard
  2. Creating a new Event Registration
    1. Make sure you have followed the instructions for creating a Team Roster before proceeding with Event Registration
    2. In school information section of the dashboard, use the REGISTER FOR OFSAA EVENT button
    3. Enter the basic details for this Event Registration
      1. Event: Nordic Skiing
      2. Team: select the team you already created, likely “Nordic Skiing Senior / Varsity Coed” or “Nordic Skiing Junior Coed”
      3. Head Coach: enter the name, email, and phone number for the team’s head coach
    4. Use the SAVE button to submit your Event Registration
  3. Uploading the required PDFs for an Event
    1. On the Register For Event page, but below the SAVE and CANCEL buttons there is a list of existing event registrations hiding, perhaps off the bottom of your screen!
    2. If you are on this page scroll down until you see the list of Existing Registrations
    3. if you are not on this page use the REGISTER FOR OFSAA EVENT button from the HOME page dashboard to get to this page, but skip entering any new details and just scroll down to the list of Existing Registrations
    4. From the list of Existing Registrations, select the “2024 Nordic Skiing Championship” registration (there may be one for each team, if you created more than one team, and if so you will need to repeat this process for each team)
    5. Use the Submit Your Paperwork section to upload your 4 PDF files, until all 4 are listed under Required Elements
    6. For each of the required forms, scan the signed and completed form into a PDF
      1. Only include one form in each PDF but all copies/pages of that same form that apply to this team should be in the same PDF file (including forms for different athletes or coaches)
      2. Check your PDF before uploading to ensure it is not backwards, rotated or blank, and that it doesn’t include extra pages or forms
      3. From the WHAT ARE YOU SUBMITTING list, select the form name that corresponds to your PDF file
      4. Use the BROWSE button to find and select the matching PDF file for upload
      5. Use the SUBMIT button to complete the upload
      6. Repeat this process for all 4 required forms
    7. Use the CANCEL button to return to the Register For Event page
    8. Repeat this Event Registration process for any other teams you may have created in the HUB for this event
    9. Use the CANCEL button or the HOME button at the top of the page to navigate elsewhere in the HUB