Race Entry Registration for Athletes / Teams
- Association Convenors will be sent an email with a file where they will register all teams and athletes from their association based on qualification race
- This association registration form must be submitted by each association convenor by xxxxxx.
- Each Association will be admitted to enter the following along with lunch selection:
1) Top 3 High School Division: Girls and Boys Team (up to 5 racers per team)
2) Top 3 High School Division: Girls and Boys Individuals
3) Top 5 Open Division: Girls and Boys Individuals
Race Day Registration (for payment, race bibs, lift tickets and lunch tickets)
- Race Day Registration: Time will be updated soon.
- See “Forms and Fees” tab for specific requirements for registration (YOU MUST BRING ALL LISTED CHEQUES WITH YOU ON RACE DAY)
- NOTE: Lift tickets for non racers or spectators must be bought at Devil’s Glen Ski Club lift ticket office.