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Try Day funding for your school!

Oct 29, 2015 | Uncategorized

Pickleball rackets click and clack, show shoes crunch, tchoukballs spring, kin-balls bounce, rock walls belay on, and yogis pose silently in gyms across Ontario. These are the sounds of Try Day.

This popular and successful program provided by OFSAA and the Ministry of Education, Government of Ontario, has been embraced by schools and teachers across the province in past years and created a legacy of new favourite sports to be played for years to come. It’s a great way to promote athletic leadership in schools and introduce an activity that gets students active in non-traditional ways.

Funding up to $700 will again be provided to 110 publicly-funded secondary schools to introduce a new sport or physical activity. APPLY NOW – the program fills up quickly!!

WHAT are the Criteria to qualifying for funding?

  • The Try Day activity must introduce a new sport or physical activity to their current physical education program and be offered to students in multiple grade levels 
  • Priority will be given to new applicants to the Try Day program, rural and small schools, and schools conducting sustainable programs.
  • Schools must include a minimum of 60 participants (30 in schools with a student population under 500) in the Try Day program, and six student leaders in the planning and implementation of the event 
  • Try Day programs must be completed by April 15, 2016


HOW do we apply and receive funding? 

  • All applications must be submitted online https://www.ofsaa.on.ca/programs/try-day.
  • Funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, provided that the request fits the parameters of the program.
  • Your school will receive their acceptance for funding by email if all criteria are in place, and a reporting package will be emailed within 2 weeks of your submission. Posters will follow by mail.
  • To receive reimbursement, schools must submit online the final report, receipts, photos, student evaluations, and any media articles of their Try Day event, no later than April 30th, 2016.



Fill out the Registration Form ONLINE now and submit it to OFSAA



**If you do not receive a reply within 2 weeks of submitting your application, please contact me. 

Diana Ranken, ‘Try Day’ Program Coordinator, [email protected]

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